Honest communication and strict adherence to quality systems are critical to consistently building good products that meet all of a customer’s requirements.
We treat customers, employees and management as equal team members to hold us to the highest standard of excellence.
Our information systems are the backbone to our highly responsive support. Our processes are monitored real time and all documents are scanned into our system to enable instant information on yields, quality records and process readings.
We depend on good equipment to ensure accurate verification of product quality and provide a feedback loop to our continuous improvement system.
We are always driving improvement through our company by embracing a culture of quality and lean manufacturing.
Summit Interconnect is committed to supplying our customers with the highest quality products, which meet or surpass their expectations and specifications.
Our endeavor to become a world-class manufacturer will be accomplished through continuous improvement programs, lean practices and the continual training of our associates.
The Summit management team will review this policy and its practices annually to assure growth and improvement.
Shane Whiteside
Summit Interconnect CEO & President