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Manufacture 06/21/23

Summit’s Internship Program Kicks Off in Santa Ana

Aspiring young professionals began their interships at Summit’s Santa Ana location. The day was filled with orientation sessions, team introductions, and a tour of the facility.

The day began with a comprehensive orientation session where the interns were provided with an overview of Summit’s history, mission, and values. They learned about the various departments and functions within the organization, gaining insight into the diverse opportunities that await them. This session served as a platform for the interns to understand the culture at Summit and align their aspirations with the company’s vision.

Following the orientation, the interns were introduced to their respective teams. Through these interactions, the interns got a sense of the collaborative work environment at Summit The teams welcomed them warmly and expressed their eagerness to guide and support them throughout the program.

One of the highlights of the day was a tour of Summit’s Santa Ana location. The interns explored the various departments, witnessing firsthand the behind-the-scenes operations involved in manufacturing PCBs. The interns were showns the state-of-the-art technology and cutting-edge machinery present throughout the facility. They received an explanation of the manufacturing process and the meticulous attention to detail that goes into every product.

The interns at Summit’s Santa Ana location have embarked on an incredible journey as part of the Internship Program. With the orientation complete and teams assigned, they are now equipped to dive headfirst into their designated roles, honing their skills, and making a meaningful impact.

The students are from:

  • California State University, Long Beach
  • University of California, Irvine
  • California Polytechnic University, Ponona
  • Benedictine College, Atchison, KS

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