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Our executive team

Summit’s proven executive team has a combined 175+ years of leadership experience.

Shane Whiteside


Shane Whiteside

Michael Norman

President and Chief Operating Officer

Michael Norman

Brian Kamradt

Chief Financial Officer

Brian Kamradt

Sean Patterson

Chief Technology Officer

Sean Patterson

Patrick Macpherson

SVP of Sales and Marketing

Patrick Macpherson

Milan Shah

VP of Commercial Sector

Milan Shah

Bobby Johnson

VP of Human Resources

Bobby Johnson

Robert Kolowitz

VP of Information Technology

Robert Kolowitz

Gerry Partida

VP of Technology

Gerry Partida

Join the largest privately held PCB manufacturer in North America

Summit timeline


Royal Circuits and Affiliates Acquisitions Expand PCB Offerings. (Summit Hollister)
(Summit Denver)


Eagle Electronics Acquisition Adds Quick-turn Commerical Prototype Capabilities.
(Summit Chicago)


Toronto-based ITL Circuits Acquisition Solidifies North American Leadership.
(Summit Toronto)


Streamline Circuits Acquistion Adds Manufacturing in Silicon Valley
(Summit Santa Clara)


Summit Founded with 2 Acquisitions:
KCA Electronics (Summit Anaheim)
Marcel Electronics International (Summit Orange)

Formed in 2016, Summit quickly has become a leading PCB manufacturer in North America


Production Staffers




Quality Team Members


Finance and Admin Personnel


Sales and Marketing Contacts


Total Number of Employees

View our locations

Irvine – HQ 
18101 Von Karman Ave., Suite 1650
Irvine, CA 92612

223 North Crescent Way
Anaheim, CA 92801

Watch Facility Tour

1735 Mitchell Blvd
Schaumburg, IL 60193

20100 E. 32nd Parkway, Suite 225
Aurora, CO 80011

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21 Hamilton Court
Hollister, CA 95023

Watch Facility Tour

130 West Bristol Lane
Orange, CA 92865

Watch Facility Tour

Santa Clara 
1410 Martin Ave
Santa Clara, CA 95050

Watch Facility Tour

90 Don Park Road
Markham, Ontario
Canada L3R 1C4

Watch Facility Tour

Call Us

(877) 264-0343

What we believe in

We are building a company to last. We are investing in the brightest people and the best equipment to ensure our customers get what they want when they need it. Our mission is to enable our customer’s success and provide an exciting and challenging workplace for our employees.

– Shane Whiteside, President & CEO

  • Expertise

    Our teams are led by some of the most knowledgeable industry experts. Pairing young professionals with PCB veterans ensures customers benefit from hands-on experience building today’s most complex boards.

  • Reliability

    Our PCB products and services are designed to exceed customer specifications and deliver long-term reliability in the field. In-house testing provides an ongoing feedback loop to gauge our process capabilities and provide a focus for continual improvement.

  • Transparency

    To us, transparency meets honesty, openness, and accountability. As a company, we strive for complete and accurate communication at all times with the ultimate goal of building lasting trust between us and our customers.

  • Environmental Stewardship

    We are committed to reducing our company’s environmental footprint and complying with the country’s highest environmental regulations. We know that the actions we take today will make a difference in the future.
